The Management Committee of the Hamsa Ashrama Trust, is immensely pleased to announce the appointment of Sri Tanmayanananda Sarasvati, the disciple of our Poojya Gurudeva. Sri Tanmayananda Saraswati has graciously consented to be the new Principal Trustee of Hamsa Ashrsama.
Swami Tanmayananda in his purvashrama was a Professor of Metallurgical Engineering at the prestigious IIT- Madras, where he also did his Ph.D. He was also a postdoctoral fellow from Hong Kong University. While still a Ph.D. student, Swamiji was attracted to the holy Arunachala Hill and to the great Ashu-kavi (inspired poet) and direct disciple of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Sadhu Om Swamigal in the year 1984. Swamiji received life changing Upadesha from Sri Sadhu Om Swamigal, which made him settle down in Tiruvannamalai (Arunachala) in 2002. After completing a 2 year Vedanta course at Chinmaya Mission at Sandipani Sadhanalaya in Mumbai, he served as Acharya of Salem Chinmaya Mission till 2002, after which he moved to Arunachala for good.
Swamiji adores the Holy Hill and by the Grace of Arunachala, could perform nearly 1000 Pradakshinas of the Holy Hill (GIRIVALAM) over the years. Through the Grace of Providence, Swamiji was guided by his Metallurgy Professor in Coimbatore to Anusonai to meet our Poojya Gurudeva Swami Virajeshwara Saraswati in the year 2004. Swamiji, as a sincere seeker and through a continuous association with our Gurudeva, entered the path of renunciation and the Order of Sannyasa on the Mahashivaratri Day in Feb 2010. As the First Direct Disciple of our Poojya Gurudeva, Swami Tanmayananda Sarasvati is the Uttaradhikari (Principal Trustee) of the Ashramam from the year 2021. We offer our sincere Pranams on behalf of all the Gurubandhus to Sri Tanmayananda Sarasvati.
On 13th Aug, 2021 Friday 6-45 am Poorna Kumbha Swagatam was offered to Swamji with Veda Mantras. We offer our sincere Pranams on behalf of all the Gurubandhus to Sri Tanmayananda Saraswati. He sent the following benedictory message to all of us:-
Swamiji’s message
Dear Respected Devotees,
HARI OM !! I sincerely thank you for the immense faith you have all reposed in me to make me the Principal Trustee of the Hamsa Ashramam at ANUSONI.
I hereby accept your kind invitation and offer of appointment to this position in utter humility and utmost devotion to our most beloved PUJYA GURUDEVA and offer my services, whatever I am capable of, for the continued welfare and vibrant functioning of the Ashrama.
I fervently hope and pray that, with the Abundant BLESSINGS AND GRACE of our Beloved Master, the Ashrama will serve as a spiritual lighthouse to the yearning seekers and fulfill the needs and spiritual thirst of countless devotees, especially those who were most fortunate to receive the love and guidance from our GURUDEVA directly in person over the years and cherish Him with reverence in their hearts !!
With kindest regards,
I sincerely remain yours in
Swami Tanmayananda Sarasvati
Poojya Swami Sri Tanmayananda Saraswati , has constituted a new management committee for the smooth functioning of Hamsa ashramam functioning. It is our humble appeal to all Gurubandhus to respect and follow the adesha of poojya Swamiji in letter & spirit.
SWAMI TANMAYANAND SARASWATI. THE PRINCIPAL TRUSTEE OF THE HAMSASHRAMAM has pleasure in appointing the following devotees as members of the Management Committee for the smooth operations of the ashram in the path set by our beloved Gurudev Sri Virajeshwara Saraswati :